Saved Architecture Appreciates Architectural Success Stories

1. The Bourse Of Antwerp (Antwerp Stock Exchange)- The World’s First Purpose-Built Commodity Exchange. Built In 1531 And Restored In 2019

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2. 14th Century Building, Droitwich, UK. Built In 1320, Covered And Further Covered In The 18th, 19th And 20th Centuries. Restored And Saved In 2017

saved architecture

3. Just A Quickly Reminder How A Decent Renovation Should Look Like(Warsaw, Poland)

saved architecture

4. The Old Manufactury Of Lodz, Poland

saved architecture

5. Schofield Building, Cleveland, USA. Built In 1902, Facade Panelled Over In The 60s And Restored In 2017 To Its Original Design

saved architecture

6. La Samaritaine, A “Grand Magasin” Of Paris Is Going To Reopen After 15 Years Of Massive Restoration Work

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7. Deutsches Buchgewerbehaus In Leipzig/Germany – Built 1898-1901, Reconstructed In 2018

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8. The Changing Face Of St Bartholomew-The-Great’s Gatehouse In Smithfield, Which Was Built In 1595 And Some Point Bricked Over. It Was Bombed During A Ww1 Zeppelin Raid Knocking Off Some Bricks Revealing Its Tudor Half-Timbered Facade. It Was Restored To How It Looks Today. 1916 vs. Now

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9. A Historic Building In Tbilisi, Georgia

saved architecture

10. Villa “Anna” In Konstancin-Jeziorna Near Warsaw, Poland. Built In 1904 And Renovated In 2021

saved architecture